Need funds for some urgent personal or business purpose? There are several credit options available today. Understanding your financial situation and requirement may help you select the best from among them. A loan against property and an overdraft loan against property are two such options that may suit your needs during any financial crisis. However, people tend to confuse these two credit tools. Let us now understand the difference between these two credit tools and their functionality.
Overdraft Loan Against Property
In the case of a loan against property, the funds are sanctioned by the lender against collateral. The funds are disbursed as lumpsum in your account and can be used freely for any expenses without any restriction.
In an overdraft loan against property, the whole loan amount will not be disbursed immediately. The lender will open an overdraft account for you in which you will be assigned a limit (i.e. an approved LAP-OD loan amount). You can withdraw funds from this overdraft account, as and when the need arises. There is no restriction on the usage though. Another notable feature of operating an Overdraft Loan Against Property is that you can make any number of deposits back into the loan account when you have surplus funds; be it above your monthly EMI, and it counts as prepayment (there are no prepayment charges)
Difference Between Loan Against Property and Overdraft Loan Against Property
Final Words
We can see that both Loan Against Property and an Overdraft Loan Against Property have a clear defined function, role, and differences. Thus, understanding your own requirement and each of their unique offerings will help you select the right loan type to meet your financial needs. So, select the credit tool suiting you best to get funds for your need.